You can watch our short video, or read through the written instructions below.
To edit any existing evaluation settings, you can follow the instructions below:
Click into the Search option in your Evaluations to view the full list | ![]() |
Locate the testing you want to view/edit and select View | ![]() |
Click on one of the below to see instructions on the following tabs.
Evaluation Tab
From the evaluation tab, you can edit Norms, Cost Centres and Closing Dates for your evaluation. To make any changes, select the Edit button in the top-right corner.
Participants Tab
The Participants tab is where you can manage your existing candidates, or invite new ones. You can extend a candidate by clicking on the 'View' link, or send them a communication using the corresponding links in the table. You can also remove any invitations that have not been accepted yet.
Reports Tab
You can find all of the reporting options for your candidates, including Group and Individual report, in the Reports tab. Select your report option from the list at the top of the page, and tick the boxes next to the candidates you would like to generate reports for. If you have already generated their report, you can click View to download it.
Please note that reports may have a cost associated, so check with your account manager if you are unsure before generating.
Preselect Reports Tab
The Preselect Reports Tab is where reports can be selected so that they will automatically generate once a candidate has completed their assessment. If you are familiar with the report you require for a candidate's evaluation you can select it from the available option, which will save you time in waiting for the report to generate. This will generate for all candidates that complete the evaluation until the setting is turned off.
Please note, if the report has a cost associated with it, you will be charged to your account where applicable. If in doubt, please check with the Customer Success team before proceeding.
Notifications Tab
You can use the Notifications tab to update your notification email preferences, including enabling/disabling and adding more recipients. More information can be seen by clicking here.
Instant Tab
The Instant tab is where you can enable the Instant Invitation Link for your testing. This is a link which can be copied into a web browser to instantly log in to start the testing. Candidates using this link won't need to register using an email address - they just enter their details and go. The link is reusable, and is best suited for controlled use e.g. in an assessment centre.