LiveHire Integration Guide

Modified on Thu, 23 Jan at 8:44 AM

The following guide is to set up integration between Testgrid's Assessment platform and LiveHire. If you are a client that is interested in this or another integration with Testgrid, please first reach out to your Testgrid Account Manager.


Setup on Testgrid Assessment Platform

Once your Testgrid Account Manager has been informed of the integration, our Service Desk team can be emailed at [email protected] to begin the integration process.

Our team will require:

  • Your Organisation Name (or name of the company that is requesting the Livehire Integration)
  • Contact information for the individual that will be setting up the integration on Livehire:
    • Name, email address and mobile number
  • If you are a new client, an assessment evaluation will need to be created on your Testgrid account:
    • This is required for testing purposes once the integration has been completed.
    • If you are an existing client that has previously completed testing with Testgrid, the pre-existing evaluations on the account will serve the same purpose.

Our team will action:

  • Set up the client account for integration on Assessment platform.
  • Provide the contact with a Username, Password and ClientID.
    • Username and ClientID are to be emailed to the contact user provided above. The password will be SMS'ed to the provided number.

(LiveHire) How do I set up a Client?

•    Login to 

•    Search for Client

•    Edit Client

•    Go to Integrations

•    Go to the Interviews & Questionnaires Section

•    Click on Assessments

•    Go to the Testgrid Configuration Section

•    Select Enable

•    Enter the Username, Password and ClientId provided

•    Select Save

•    Done


(Client) Selecting a Testgrid evaluation and Inviting Candidates

Once the Testgrid integration is setup, LiveHire will begin polling Testgrid every 6 hours for evaluations to ingest. Clients will need to configure Testgrid evaluations from within their Testgrid account, before they can be ingested for use within LiveHire. 

  • Testgrid evaluations can contain one or more assessments, including cognitive ability, skills and behavioural assessments. 
  • Testgrid evaluations must be open, and not expired. As such, within Testgrid, the Open Date should be in the past, and the close date should be set at some point in the future. For evaluations that are going to be used for an extended period of time, this should be set several years in the future to ensure ongoing access.


To select a specific evaluation to use for a job, either create a new job vacancy or open an existing job vacancy, select 'Job Details', then select the 'Checks & Assessments' tab. Within this tab, toggle on 'Assessment', and then select the evaluation you wish to use for this vacancy. You can also select to include the assessment as a part of the application process.

Once you’ve made your selection, click 'Save'. 


Once an evaluation has been saved against the job vacancy, if the option to include the assessment as part of the application process is checked, any candidates applying for the job vacancy will be required to complete the assessment before they can submit their application.

"IMPORTANT: The option to include the assessment as part of the application process is automatically ticked, so you must untick it if you would like to invite them manually. "



Alternatively, if the option is not checked, you can commence inviting candidates to complete an assessment at any time. Candidates that are invited to an assessment must have applied to the job vacancy, and will require the following information.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address

When you are ready to invite a candidate, select the 'Add' option from the candidate list, in the Activity Column, and select 'Assessment'. In the confirmation modal select 'Request assessment'.




(Client) Tracking Progress and Reviewing Results

Once a candidate has been invited to complete an Assessment, this will be visible in the Activity column. It will display with an Assessment activity indicator, followed by the status of the assessment. Assessments will show in one of two possible states, either Invited or Complete. When complete, on hover of the complete status, all available reports will display. Clicking on a report will open the link in a new tab.


When completed, an assessment score will also be displayed in the Score column on the far right. This score is generated by LiveHire and represents the average score the candidate received for assessments returning percentile scores, from the Testgrid evaluation. When hovering of the score value, all component scores will be displayed.